Since I’ve had this blog and the online magazine, I’ve been spending quite a lot of time on the internet. It’s nice, because sharing this experience gives a whole new meaning to the whole journey. However, now I feel it’s time to go offline for a while.
Tomorrow, I’ll be heading first to the rainforest of Ecuador (Southeast from Quito), then to the city of Cuenca (South from Quito) and finally, to the city of Guayaquil (Southwest from Quito, on the coast). In three weeks I’ll come back to Quito and I’ll be joined by my dear Italian flatmate from Finland, Manolo.
It will be a new experience for me to cycle with someone else, as I haven’t been traveling with almost anyone else during this whole trip. The only exception was a year ago in Uruguay, where I cycled for two weeks with Argentinian photographer Sergio Anselmino (who is now in Africa) and Brazilian André Fatini Guga (who had by then cycled for three years from Alaska).
Yet, before Manolo joining me, I shall go back to the roots of cycling — being lost in the wilderness, meeting locals and spending time with them, without a computer or camera or any other “distractions”. If there are internet connections around, I’ll probably be posting something (at least on my Facebook page), yet if there are not, then so be it.
So, please accept my apologies beforehand, but you might not hear from me for a while.
Nevertheless, the journey goes on, so stay tuned!
Sooner or later, I’ll be back.